Managing Bias Strategies

A Training Course for Law Enforcement

Managing Bias Strategies is a training course designed for law enforcement, provided by CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation in partnership with the US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). The Managing Bias Strategies for Law Enforcement, 8-hour in-person training course is certified by the IADLEST National Certification Program™.

The Training Program

Managing Bias (MB) Strategies for Law Enforcement is a training course designed for law enforcement and aimed to reduce the influence of bias in officers’ interactions and decision-making, contribute to improved police-community relations, and increase officer safety. The MB training course enables law enforcement professionals to understand key concepts regarding bias and implicit bias and recognize their relevance to contemporary policing strategies.

Participants will learn and practice crucial skills and strategies designed to minimize and address job-related challenges involving bias. Participants will harness effective interpersonal approaches to promote positive interactions with their communities.


“I found the Managing Bias Training to be incredibly helpful to meet the needs of my department. Under the fundamental pillars of 21st Century Policing, this training serves many of the areas helping agencies strive to be the best and for officers to be the best. Bias training is beyond critical for all applications of Law Enforcement to be able to recognize, adapt and change where needed to best serve our communities and society as a whole. The training and time to discuss the topic is well overdue in our industry and now we are providing the knowledge and tools for our officers to tackle the issues around bias in policing. One of the best parts of this particular program is how it directly speaks to Law Enforcement professionals meeting them where they are. Generic programs do not reach our unique audiences well because of the complexity of the work they do, however this program provides and delivers the core critical information in a vernacular our professionals understand, delivered by professionals who are working or worked directly in the field. Having instructors who come from or serve in the same capacity and background builds a connection with the audience and allows for an open, comfortable and safe space for the critical dialog to take place."

Director of Public Safety -MD
“I thought the scenarios and student participation areas were the most productive. It appeared to produce the most thought and interaction from the students. Both of the instructors were engaging, knowledgeable and seemed genuinely interested in promoting this type of training.”

Captain -SC
“I thoroughly enjoyed the training. "It was structured, thought-provoking, and well designed. It generated honest, constructive dialog and conversations, and never once did I feel as though I was being attacked or negatively compartmentalized as the root of societal problems as when I attended similar trainings. Not only do I think police agencies should attend this specific course, but elected officials should as well.”

Chief of Police -VT
Officers Trained
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Satisfaction Rate
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Feel Better Equipped to Manage Bias
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