Who is this training for?
  • This training is designed for state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies. It is particularly well-suited for frontline law enforcement officers and agencies that have not yet integrated extensive bias and diversity courses into training programs.
How many officers can be trained in a session?
  • Training sessions must have 15 participants at a minimum and are capped at 35 participants. We recommend scheduling multiple sessions if you want to train more than 35 officers.
What if my department does not have the ability to fill a training session with at least 15 law enforcement personnel?
  • We can still train you! We recommend scheduling a regional training with neighboring agencies.
If I want to schedule a regional training, what does that entail?
  • For an in-person regional training, one agency will host the training for their agency, and others from neighboring agencies. You will be responsible for sharing the registration link with your contacts so they all can register to attend.
Do you offer virtual trainings?
  • Yes, we offer virtual sessions upon request. Virtual sessions are facilitated in real-time via a videoconferencing platform. However, we recommend using in-person trainings whenever possible to encourage active dialogue and engagement between your participants.
How long is the training?
  • The training is approximately 8 hours long with a 1-hour lunch break.
What is the cost of the training?
  • The training is free for all agencies and sponsored by the COPS Office.
Does my agency need to provide anything?
  • We ask that your agency provide a training room space equipped with audiovisual capabilities and a whiteboard or posterboard, and print out copies of a participant worksheet and the sign-in sheet for all attendees. The worksheet and list of registrants will be provided to you by the Law Enforcement Recruitment Coordinator.
Can non-sworn personnel attend this training?
  • Yes, this training is appropriate for both sworn and non-sworn personnel.
Are officers required to participate in the evaluation component?
  • No. Voluntary participation is a core component of ethical scientific research. When you schedule your training, your agency’s Chief will be required to review and sign a Letter of Understanding. This letter outlines what the evaluation is and emphasizes that the surveys are completely voluntary. Signing this letter confirms that the agency has been made aware of the evaluation component and confirms that none of the officers were forced to participate. The letter is submitted to the research team for their records.
If no one is required to participate in the evaluation, why should we care about it?
  • Your participation in the evaluation will contribute to our broader understanding of both bias, and what works to address it in policing. It will also help shape the development of future bias trainings for law enforcement to ensure these trainings are worthwhile, as we recognize your limited time to participate in trainings is invaluable.
What is the incentive for completing the evaluation surveys?
  • Your participation is critical for this study’s success. Additionally, we know your time is limited and valuable. With that in mind, the evaluation team will pay participants generously for their time with Amazon gift cards.
What if our department is prohibited from accepting any financial incentive?
  • Please let the Law Enforcement Recruitment Coordinator, Lauren Duhaime know as soon as possible so she can relay this to the evaluation team. The evaluation team will remove the incentive component, but you will still be able to participate in the training and complete any of the surveys should you choose to do so.
Who do I contact if I have further questions or concerns?
  • Your main point of contact is the Law Enforcement Recruitment Coordinator, Lauren Duhaime. You can email her at duhaimel@cna.org